Today Chelsea and I arrived at the studio wearing, if not identical outfits, very very similar silhoettes. I guess 5+ years of collaboration result in fun things such as this.
Sunday Night Blues are commonplace, so I hear, but not for me. I actually love Mondays. Weekends are sweet, but I feel the same about going to work. Beyond my affection for the particulars (the kind of work I do and the clients we collaborate with), I admit, it’s helpful that my commute is 100 yards from my home, in my backyard, and I arrive at a light-drenched studio that David built by hand. And at 9am Chelsea Fullerton arrives in all her absolute awesomeness.
But not today. Or this entire week.
In 1939, the British government’s Ministry of Information anticipated that declaring their country’s entry in WWII would demoralise the population. Hence the now iconic, red and white Keep Calm and Carry On poster was designed to be at the ready, on their way to the printers, and placed up within 24 hours of the outbreak of war.
Our client, Carrie Contey, has been described in many affectionate ways by all she has encountered. And while accurate, I do think we are the FIRST to christen HER a Ministry of Information. Cheeky, no?
While Chelsea’s, David’s and my days are designed around a beautifully choreographed routine, amazingly enough we always discover unexpected things. Things realized are about ourselves, or the world, and are often shared casually/declaratively/urgently. Often they are things we’ve never known about, although YOU may have known for-eva.
Or maybe not.
Today, I’m packing for an event/workshop/retreat. You see, I am not really sure what category it falls under. But I do know it will rock my world, despite the requirement to wear a badge. One is always (not asked, or given an option) to wear a badge at this sort of thing.
I hate wearing badges.
A common reaction folks have after hearing David and I are married and work together is “Oh I could NEVER spend that much time with my spouse. We’d kill each other.”
That sentiment always shoots me back 10+ years, to the time when David and I almost killed each other worked in a shared studio space in the DUMBO neighborhood of Brooklyn. We struggled, regretfully publicly, to find our flow. It was often hard to be relating with my boyfriend, then husband, 24/7. But then again, we were fully exposing ourselves to each other, daily. That sometimes raw ugliness allowed for us to build a crazy trust and deep respect for one another. Plus we created customized collaboration habits that continue to serve us, and our clients.
Who? Kelley Burrus — Event Planner
Why are we in Kelley’s bag? Kelley is the most vibrant, original and effective person we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Her creativity is flourished with bottomless generosity, while her vision is complimented by adriot resourcefulness. Plus, she has a true respect and understanding for Design. Not many would describe a Standards Manual we created as “Design you want to French Kiss!” LOVE IT! She gives great hugs, has killer style and pulls the car over to make phone calls.
Join us for Show & Tell!
How do you prefer to spend your day? In a quiet space, peppered with the ambient tones of the day, or do you set the tone of your day with a soundtrack? Viewers Like You stands solidly in both camps. We utilize both silence and music to compliment or effect what the day will bring. Because silence IS golden, until it’s not…
Girl Talk’s All Day is always a well-received choice. The A.D.D. quality of his work reminds us to stay playful and agile. And more recently, Motopony has come to our attention. A band built on the gorgeous alchemy of seemingly conflicted sounds inspires contrasts in our work that allow new access into a sea of cluttered resolutions.
August 31 is Slacker Day in Austin, Tx. How do I know this? Austin Mayor, Lee Leffingwell, proclaimed it so at the world-premeire of Slacker 2011, which Viewers Like You was invited to as “Freeloaders” (donors).
Viewers Like You
Richmond, VA is our home base. We moved here from Brooklyn, via Austin, and are psyched to be back on the east coast — with all the gems that density provides. Now, when we road trip, in 10 hours we can cover 6 states and be in New England. The same in Texas, gets you to someplace else in Texas. Which in itself has its own charm, but again, I’m reveling in density. I bet you’ve heard that Richmond’s a great town. If you never been, you MUST come. And do let us show you around. Really!