March 15, 2012

Prop Shop

Chelsea and I are gearing up for a lifestyle shoot to be held here in Austin, in 2 weeks. Casting 10 children under the age of 15 months has been, metaphorically, colorful. But today? Today, it’s literally color-filled. Today it’s prop shopping!


March 07, 2012

Twist(er) & Shout

Our lovely Senior designer, Chelsea Fullerton, has been spending her off-hours creating her business Go Forth Creative. Well, her hard work —plus maj talent—has been properly acknowledged by, drumroll… Design*Sponge. And the icing on the cake? Oh yes, there is! Grace Bonney picked up her chic DIY project within 24 hours of launching her site. There is no one more deserving of recognition. We couldn’t be more thrilled for her.

March 06, 2012

Thank You

For a little while we’ve been delighting in mail that has announced it’s arrival, in lettering done by a human’s hand, on an envelope—note card size. Thank you notes that come with payment, or just because. Small gifts of appreciation from our clients to us. Class acts, all of ’em!

February 22, 2012

La La Love

I’m packed and heading out in just a few for a long weekend in Los Angeles. I love L.A. And while having work as an excuse to go is nice and all, I don’t need much of a nudge to head west. While in town, I’ll be Art Directing a shoot we produced for a Los Angeles client. It’s destined to be a brilliant day with Beverly Hills as the backdrop, Bonnie Tsang shooting and Lauren Goodman prettying up everything. California, here I come!

February 14, 2012

By Hand

A professional practice we employ is to stay aware of our Design Obsessions. And from the look of things, Viewers Like You is feeling the power of the hand drawn.

The above Saint Valentine’s Day card, made for our beloved client Carrie Contey, is not the only place we’ve been feeding our enchantment.


February 12, 2012

Link with Love

I have spent the better part of the day going through this blog’s archive to make sure every image has been attributed correctly. I have a bit more digging to do before I feel 1000% kosher. And no, 100% isn’t enough, this is important stuff.

I’m talking walking the walk.


January 25, 2012


Oooh, we recently got our sweet little hands on a nice rebranding project. And it was HUGE! Like 34×22 inch huge. Like 24pt body copy huge. Like high-profile photographer huge.

Ready for Consuela with a shake and twist of candied ginger? Look Good. Laugh Easy. Live in Color.


January 21, 2012

In Tandem

That Ball jar of goodness above? It’s deserves your attention. Inside is the most fantastic ketchup I have ever tried. And I hate ketchup, for the most part. More often than not its cloying, an after-thought, but not this one.


December 31, 2011


Typical protocol for a Viewers Like You design project goes something like this: 3–5 directions presented in a 7-week schedule with, say, 4 rounds included. To retain the studio’s services we request a deposit (50%) upfront and follow up with our unconventional intake process, in which we creatively cull the needs of our clients. In response, we present a variety of design solutions from which they can choose, and the process goes deeper from there.

Sounds reasonable. But something isn’t right in this picture.


December 23, 2011


As you know from all the fawning I do here, we love our clients. We are so fortunate to work with friends—or people who will soon become our friends—because really, what’s better than creating with the additional mutual respect and radical trust that friendship inherently brings to the plate? But my favorite collaborative project is Viewers Like You’s annual holiday cards. My favorite collaborator in life—but more appropriately for the purpose of this post, in the studio—is David Shields. The process of getting to a singular theme, and marrying it to a holiday tradition, country and recipe, is our most favorite commission.

And sometimes frustration.


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