September 02, 2011

A Wonderful Pace to Exist

August 31 is Slacker Day in Austin, Tx. How do I know this? Austin Mayor, Lee Leffingwell, proclaimed it so at the world-premeire of Slacker 2011, which Viewers Like You was invited to as “Freeloaders” (donors).


February 24, 2025

Where to Find Us

Viewers Like You

Richmond, VA is our home base. We moved here from Brooklyn, via Austin, and are psyched to be back on the east coast — with all the gems that density provides. Now, when we road trip, in 10 hours we can cover 6 states and be in New England. The same in Texas, gets you to someplace else in Texas. Which in itself has its own charm, but again, I’m reveling in density. I bet you’ve heard that Richmond’s a great town. If you never been, you MUST come. And do let us show you around. Really!


July 21, 2011

Oh yah, you betcha!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I worked at a small, natural beauty company in the suburbs of Minneapolis. And while the job offer came at the most inopportune time (David had JUST moved from Chicago to where I lived in Brooklyn), when else would I have the opportunity, as a graphic designer, to smell Clove Shampoo and Rosemary Mint Conditioner all ding-dong day?!


June 07, 2011


While maybe not as prolific (or poetic about it) as Karl Lagerfeld, we lovelovelove collecting books.

We also love to read our acquisitions. Carving out space in our lives for this pleasure-filled act is always our desire, and quite the coup! Planning vacations so as to attack the growing pile on our nightstands is usually a good plan. Summer time also affords us a great excuse to explore these portable journeys.

What does the studio have top-of-the-stack for Summer 2011? Find out after the jump.


May 25, 2011

Carrie Contey, PhD.

“Cult Hero”: “Rock star”: “Dear friend”: “Mamma to the masses”: these are but a few ways Carrie Contey has been described.

Carrie is not your typical parenting expert. In fact, she challenges the whole idea that someone outside a family could possibly BE an expert about how to parent within another’s unit. She knows her clients are the experts, and helps them to see that too. Her work offers a new perspective on children, parenting, family life and being a healthy, happy, whole human being.


May 24, 2011

Oh, la la!

A year ago I took a long weekend to fill up via Paris’ charms. For this visit I determined only ONE thing to experience daily, the rest would unfold in its own way, en pied. Walking walking walking. That was my modus operandi.

On a late night walk after dinner, it was myself and another duo sauntering down a desolate Rue Saint-Benoît. Even from behind, the two men had an air about them. And no wonder. As me and my quick New York clip gained on them, into greater focus comes this shock of white hair atop a lean, black silhouette. It could be no other than the Kaiser, Karl Lagerfeld.


May 23, 2011

Phone Smart

The iPhone does a great job of displaying any website with its web browser and high-resolution display. With the easy touch controls, navigating just about any website is a breeze.

Still, personal user experience has led us to create smart phone versions of our web designs. Because really, a website that marries delight with function is sa-weet, but when accessed on a smartphone, the user pretty much wants one of a few things: a class schedule, contact info, driving directions … and fast. That’s why we designed Jen Spencer Coaches’ website (above) this way for the computer…


May 20, 2011

Work in Progress

The New York Times Book Review had a fun feature this past week, “Book Covers That Got Away”. Usually we are quite impressed with the NYT’s interactive work … regretfully this one fell flat (only expanding the thumbnail – lame!), BUT the article was timely and resonated with us regardless:

“For authors, choosing a book cover is the fraught moment their very private creation starts putting on its game face and getting ready to enter the market. For cover designers, it can also be the beginning of their own struggle on behalf of their favorite ideas.”


May 13, 2011

Like & Loves

Viewers Like You is totally motivated and inspired by idea envy. Personally speaking, I get amazingly intimidated by great ideas, and I want that, I WANT to feel intimidated. (And my dirty little secret? I want MY ideas to intimidate in the same way.)

Small and smart details tend to do it for me. For example: a hotel’s choice of amenities is a BIG deal. It speaks volumes and absolutely influences the quality of my stay and positively effects my opinion of the hotel. Holla Ace Hotel and Rudy’s Barbershop.


May 10, 2011

Marfa Public Radio

The wildfires in Far West Texas continue and have consumed over 275,000 acres, destroyed dozens of homes, killed livestock and wildlife, and jeopardized the livelihoods of countless ranchers and residents. This past week, Hotel San Jose held the incredible West Texas Wildfire Relief Benefit with live music performances by Patty Griffin, Shawn Colvin, Amy Cook and Erika Wennerstrom of Heartless Bastards. With the awesome community here in Austin, Hotel San Jose raised $37,000 in aid for the West Texas Wildfires.

As you know, Marfa holds a special place in our hearts, and from this affection we treasure our pro-bono work with Marfa Public Radio on special projects. After the jump are two designs we proudly created for MPR’s 2010 and 2011 t-shirts.


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