January 25, 2012


Oooh, we recently got our sweet little hands on a nice rebranding project. And it was HUGE! Like 34×22 inch huge. Like 24pt body copy huge. Like high-profile photographer huge.

Ready for Consuela with a shake and twist of candied ginger? Look Good. Laugh Easy. Live in Color.

Feelings about color can be deeply personal and are often rooted in one’s own experience or culture. Consuela, known for their bold use of color and texture in accessories and textiles, engaged our studio to re-invision their brand and set them on a course to go (inter)national.

Viewers, through Consuela’s Spring 2012 Lookbook, re-conceived the brand as a playground where a client could better understand how seasonal and core palettes can be used to affect moods, feelings and emotions. With all their new sales and marketing materials we proposed, Consuela will now not only usher their clients to choose color for nourishment, as an opportunity for personal expression or a powerful communication tool—but will represent their ethos more acutely:

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
– Walt Whitman

Also, to reflect Consuela’s strong yet intimate corporate culture, the lookbook was designed to place emphasis on their creative and production processes, highlight conversations with clients and staff, as well as offer a plethora of behind-the scenes photography, by the wildly talented Alexandra Valenti.

Like I said, HUGE!


Images: Chelsea Fullerton (dot com)