May 02, 2017


Those are Chelsea’s feet up there. She’s doing all she can do to get the shot. And that picture? Obviously for show. Art directed. Staged. Because while I absolutely crave new notebooks, and Blackwing Pearl pencils are found on surfaces around my studio, when I sit down to write, I do it on the computer. However, notebooks serve as the ephemeral gateway drug, leading me to the really good stuff.


February 01, 2016

A creative direction

While I thrive when in creative collaboration, it can be an edgy proposition because I’ve been “burned”. Developers flaked, models failed to show up fully, photographers have been less than consistent in communicating… So when I had the opportunity to work again with Wes Wages on a video, I literally jumped up and down. Yes, yes, and more yes!


February 11, 2015

Mind your posture

One of the projects I fully engaged in, was the design and production of a gut renovation for our new home. Like any other client project the balance between what something costs and its value is paramount: Where do we invest more than we expected and where can we go more off-the-shelf? What contrast of high and low will raise everything up? I’m thinking specifically about the “more than expected” handmade pendant we chose for our living space. It’s loverly.


August 27, 2014

A Haiku, or Two

nothing new for me
bit off more than i can chew
the first taste is good


June 16, 2014

On Automation

On par with my feelings about The Paradox of Choice, I’m mad passionate about the topic of automation. And just like choice, it’s the new four-letter word in my lexicon. You see, the systematic reduction of manpower has been eating away at me subtly, and reached critical mass this week as I perused my social media feeds and saw it rear its ugly head, again. THIS is about THAT.


May 09, 2014

On Momentum

I remember, back when I was still doing project work, that at some point I had to add production schedules into my contracts. I needed to communicate that our work together was bound to a specific timeframe. That this or that asset would “go live”, in say, 6-8 weeks, for some dollar amount. I would also give a breakdown of what would happen week-by-week: my delivery as well as when feedback was required. Now, sure, this addition informed the client what was needed from them and when the project would get done, but I added this element to set the stage for momentum.


October 17, 2013

A digital win

Call it nostalgia, kickin’ it old-skool or being a femme d’un certain age, but I prefer offset printing to digital. Which doesn’t mean I would universally recommend offset. Many different considerations determine which printing method I choose, such as desired quality, quantity, budget, timing, and size of the printed piece. But still—I dream of offset opportunities.


July 25, 2013

Pretty. Smart.

This project. OH this project. I could say so very much about Holli Thompson—the brand and the woman. So much so that I’m kinda at a loss for words. Kinda. And how about those veggies up there? Right?!

So pretty.


June 22, 2013

Crusading for Connection

Last year, I spent a good portion of a Saturday at TEDxAustin, for the third time. Third time’s a charm they say, and I’d agree. They nailed it. A much more balanced day, where everything vibrated at a higher level. And this time, there was no mid-day slump. I was jolted, catapulted way high, by Dallas artist Jason Roberts, (a self-proclaimed community activist) who spoke about his living charette: The Better Block Project.


May 25, 2013


I love etymology. Experiencing a common word from my lexicon, and watching it unfold out of it’s narrowest understanding into a rich history of cultural meaning. Ahhh. Nerdy? Maybe. And absolutely an opportunity for Design schoolin’.


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