April 17, 2013

Design to drool over

What makes something a design triumph? There are a plethora of respected, annual design competitions—the one’s that can fill you with envy—that show a year’s best graphic design, and usually narrowly focused only on aesthetics. But there is only one heavy hitter annual who’s criteria considers how design creates value for clients.

THIS is one of THOSE projects that could be entered into THAT.


February 01, 2013


I have strong opinions about seemingly small things—for example, a hotel’s choice of amenities is a BIG deal to me. However I am also quite nimble about my attachement to these opinions, which can be confusing. If your counter-reasoning makes sense, then alrighty, you’ve influenced a new opinion of mine. And thank you.

IF you make good sense.


January 31, 2013


It’s wild to have been working with a client for almost a year and not, until now, had an opportunity to see and touch the work we have been creating together. That’s because the physical manifestation of our work is only now being produced. You can imagine how exciting it is to share this year-in-the-making post with you.


December 13, 2012

Día de Santo Tomás

St. Thomas day, St. Thomas gray,
The longest night and shortest day.

The Feast Day of Saint Thomas the Apostle was traditionally celebrated on December 21, the Winter Solstice. In Central America, the Fiesta de Santo Tomás is celebrated much as they do in Europe, with the ringing of hand bells, fireworks and parades.¹ Additionally an adaptation of the ancient Mayan flying pole dance, Danza de los Voladores, is also performed.



November 28, 2012

The Design Concierge

I am not really sure what inspired me to do so, but last week I set up a business Pinterest page. I created a few boards by categorizing examples from our portfolio. Easy stuff. You can check it out here. But first, stick with me a bit longer because this post isn’t about that.


icons for dlp

October 24, 2012

Design Observer

Contrary to what you might think, being in art school doesn’t mean you are immune from pulling all-nighters. This right-of-passage isn’t only for the Bunsen Burner set. Eighteen-year-olds are eighteen-year-olds, regardless of major. I know this firsthand. Freshman Foundation was intense at the Bauhaus-inspired program I attended. Creating objects based on functionalism and simplicity is rigorous stuff. Yes, for real.


October 05, 2012


Architecture is informed by a confluence of ideas—it also informs and inspires other disciplines, organizations, policies, and individuals. Through its lecture series The University of Texas School of Architecture enlightens, engages, and enhances the community. This is our 8th collaboration with UTSoA.


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