November 11, 2017

To the Need

The following 1972 Q&A between Madame Amic and Charles Eames is a timeless, and timely, expression of the Eames Studio’s design approach, philosophy and process.

Oh how it resonates for us. A beacon in fact.


February 01, 2016

A creative direction

While I thrive when in creative collaboration, it can be an edgy proposition because I’ve been “burned”. Developers flaked, models failed to show up fully, photographers have been less than consistent in communicating… So when I had the opportunity to work again with Wes Wages on a video, I literally jumped up and down. Yes, yes, and more yes!


September 21, 2015

The Bedford

In my ideal world, Design would be properly valued and Designers paid handsomely for their work. However, there are good reasons to work for free. There are also some really terrible reasons, and this chart can help you figure it out.

You want to hear another terrible idea? How about Crowdsourcing. The act of outsourcing tasks, traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, to an undefined, large group of people or community through an open call, sets me ablaze. However I think I inadvertently participated in the abominable act myself.


March 10, 2015

A Radical Investment

I buy $300 bathing suits.

There, I said it. And while I have no shame around this, I do know that speaking that truth, in most circles–the circles I prefer to marinate in at least–is a radical statement.

When something is a “great deal”, I look askance. Nothing delights me more than paying full price for, well, value!


October 17, 2014

Vision Quest

A vision quest is a rite of passage in some Native American cultures. The ceremony of the Vision Quest is one of the most universal and ancient means to find spiritual guidance and purpose.

One year ago, I took a break from Viewers Like You and returned to school, to experience something that looks and feels very much like a residency. Before I left, I referred to this time as a sabbatical, a vision quest, a walk about. All three are accurate enough. However upon return, vision quest feels most true.


September 08, 2014

The Method

It’s easy to argue about Tracy Anderson. She is “too” (fill in the blank): tan, blonde, thin, confident. She promotes a fitness ideal we either loathe or admire, and debates easily ensue. But nobody argues about if her Method works or not. Because it does.


April 23, 2014

Smokestack Lighting

Out of the blue this week, I got an email that brought my attention back to a delicious project David worked on—one of his first as a professional designer, while in the employ at Concrete, the Office of Jilly Simons. So we revisited. We looked at it in our portfolio, and took our copy down off the shelf. And while the book is insignificant when considering the body of work we’ve developed since, decades later Smokestack Lightning continues to loom large in our lives. Its topic is one we are both passionate about: the lore and traditions of American barbecue.


March 31, 2014

To Have and Withold

Curation is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days. Have you noticed it too? Everyone is a curator! I will literally gasp when the careful editing of information is presented to brilliant seduction—I might even applaud. (No joke, ask Chelsea.) But there is something about deliberate withholding that I too, find crazy potent. What you don’t experience being as important and what you do. It’s a subtle difference, collection and omission. I’m grooving on the later.


December 19, 2013

10 for 13

Does cozying up with a book or two during the holidays sound about right? In Iceland, after the Jólabókaflóð, books are exchanged on Christmas Eve and then Icelanders spend the night reading.


Makes sense too, Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country in the world—five titles for every 1,000 Icelanders.


Upon learning this, we were inspired to adapt the Icelandic tradition for our family, Christmas Day. I trust a new book or two will be found under the tree for Christmas to get things underway. And looking back, this past year was full of great reads—oldies and newbies. Curious about our fav’s? Here’s OUR TOP 10 FROM 2013, plus mini reviews.


October 17, 2013

A digital win

Call it nostalgia, kickin’ it old-skool or being a femme d’un certain age, but I prefer offset printing to digital. Which doesn’t mean I would universally recommend offset. Many different considerations determine which printing method I choose, such as desired quality, quantity, budget, timing, and size of the printed piece. But still—I dream of offset opportunities.


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