You can see it, you’ve played around with it, and maybe you’ve set the wheels in motion—but your idea/dream/business hasn’t taken off. And it looks like ass. What you’re needing is to spend an hour with me. Yup, an hour.
One-on-ones focus on your business’s design and branding needs, but rarely stop there. We also get to root of it all so you can move forward efficiently, effectively and always delightfully. It’s amazing. In a short amount of time you’ll feel unstuck, clear and re-energized—AND leave armed with a plan for next steps to take.
A One-on-One Brand Consult is a good fit if you feel you are falling short of making your brand come to life, and you’re needing out-of-the box thinking that is tethered to practical, actionable and savvy advice.
» Brainstorm your brand’s visual identity
» Clarify who your clients are, and how to speak to them
» Map-out product and program offerings
» Identify marketing and business opportunities
» Create step-by-step actions to move you forward
Designed for those just starting out, as well as those wanting to reinvigorate what they have going on. Folks I work with get out of their ruts, feel excited again and clamor back into creation mode—with a road map to their goals, in-hand.
One-on-One Brand Consults include
» A 40 minute phone/Skype session
» A full recap of our discoveries (no need to take notes)
» A custom-curated list of resources to fuel your brand’s evolution
» A recorded web review to show where you’re nailing it, and highlight opportunities missed
» A 20 minute follow-up call for accountability and/or refinement
Does this sound like “it”? Dive in and schedule your One-on-One Brand Consult here. I’ll be in touch straight away to set up our call.
Curious about what other one-on-one clients have to say about their one hour consult…
Beautiful Women. Kind Words.
Jennifer, you are an amazing sounding board. You helped me to quickly refine my services and product line, with laser-fine definition and spark. I have so much gratitude for your insight and intelligence.
Suzanne Lentz
Dear goodness, Jennifer gets it. She’s not fluffy. There’s no theoretical poetic words that don’t really have actionable value. But she’s not tough love. She’s warm & witty & wise. She’s that mentor that’s going to give it to you straight, in a way that makes you realize you were sweetly selling yourself short, & it’s time to be unabashed in taking things to the next level. And she says it so simply that it suddenly seems effortless to jump right up to that next rung on the ladder & breathe in the crisp air up there. She’s the right girl to have on your team, that’s for sure.
Hilary Rushford
Thank you for the generosity of time and effort that you have given me throughout your B-School mentorship. I really appreciated your insights, and have taken action on many. The examples and resources you shared opened my eyes and propelled me forward. My website and business has been positively impacted with your direction.
Stacy Wooster
People! Jennifer Elsner is One brilliant, hard working, loyal, giant hearted, fun, funny, generous, determined, keep the ball rolling, delightful soul like no other. I’m have been beyond fortunate to had her influence and attention on my brand. You’ll be lucky to have her on your team too.
Carrie Contey
It’s so hard to express my affection for your brain. Even your Facebook updates and comments are full of cultural references, high ideas, and inspiration. If I had only ONE person to consult about creative direction, design or branding, it would by you.
Christa Meola
There are no words! OMG. You are a genius. Thank you for your time, enthusiasm, forward thinking-ness and overall brilliance.
Jessica Zucker
I want to let you know how much I enjoyed and benefitted from our consults. Your creativity knows no bounds. I am grateful for the way you inspire me to be the best person I can be. Thank you for your dedication and openness—and helping me think big(ger).
Alex Codlin
You are the woman who taught me everything must have a purpose… every space and mark. Thank you for your professionalism and being who you are.
Jen Spencer
Thank you so much. Seriously you are a gracious space holder, a fantastic diplomat and a bad ass task master. I am eternally grateful for your help.
Briana Borten
If you want my brain trust focused on you and your business, let’s schedule your One-on-One Brand Consult here.